Hansika Motwani, the child artist turned hot star has many hidden talents in her. The gal who showcased some ultra hot entertainment in her comedy caper ‘Money Hai To Honey Hai’ opposite Govinda and bagged in her first Filmfare award as the Best Debutante in The south is also an avid and talented painter.
Hansika, on the other hand admits simply that she paints just for a release, “Painting was just a subject in my school and I started improving it slowly and steadily. I got some stuff at home to paint and now I really enjoy painting. I really haven’t taken any formal training in painting as such. It’s just whatever I learnt in school. My teachers encouraged me by saying that I do have a flair for painting and I just took it forward from there.”
On asking her what form of painting does she usually prefer, she said, “I basically do sketching, drawing, shading or dry pastels. It really depends on my mood on a particular day. Sometimes I may sketch a human figure or maybe paint some of our Gods and Goddesses. At times it may just be something abstract or maybe a cartoon figure.”
Meanwhile, have a look at some of the masterpieces from Motwani….
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