Her debut movie did not fare very well at the box office but Sonam Kapoor has been very choosy about her projects. She is currently busy with ‘Delhi 6’ and had turned down a movie offer opposite Hrithik Roshan because the role demanded too much of exposure and Sonam did not want to compromise with her values. She was also considered by Aditya Chopra for ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ but was later dropped out because she failed to look like a seventeen year old on screen.
However, Aditya just could not resist his temptation to cast Sonam and now, the latest buzz is that Yash Raj films has signed Sonam Kapoor for their next production and in this romantic project, Sonam will be sharing space with Shahid Kapoor.
However, Aditya just could not resist his temptation to cast Sonam and now, the latest buzz is that Yash Raj films has signed Sonam Kapoor for their next production and in this romantic project, Sonam will be sharing space with Shahid Kapoor.
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